
Rank first: SEO Checklist for 2018


I know, I know… you want your website to rank first in Google, don’t you? Otherwise you wouldn’t be here. Hopefully there is a solution. It’s not going to be easy but you can follow some steps to get there at some point.

As you know Google change its algorithms from time to time. This makes things harder but it also means that you must adapt to the new guidelines or parameters that matter the most. There are some good practices however, you can always follow in order to make your website rank first at Google (I’ll keep it sort):

  • 1. Content is King

    Yes, its true. This is not just your number 1 goal. This is just… everything. Whatever you do, If you don’t have the correct content, If you do not give answers or solutions to questions and problems then you can’t go far.
  • 2. Keyword research

    You must somehow guess the correct words. The words most of the people are going to use in order to find a solution or an answer about their query. Find the best words use them in your text and titles accordingly.
  • 3. Investigate SERPs

    Understand what Google thinks is relative content. What’s being returned when you are searching for a specific keyword? Take a closer look and start creating new content.
  • 4. Titles, Descriptions and URLs

    Try to find the best 3-4 keywords that describe your webpage and sort them by significance for your Title.
    Descriptions should be intended for human eyes. Not robots, but they do matter. Describe the content of the page in a human-friendly way and do not exceed 150 characters.
    Always try to create meaningful, clean and short URLS.
  • 5. Responsive

    Make your website mobile-friendly. This is a must.
  • 6. Optimization

    Create a secure webpage without errors and optimize it for speed.
  • 7. Social Media

    Use social media. Facebook, Twitter you name it. Use everything if possible. Share your content and make people find out about you and visit your website.
  • 8. Keep your eyes open

    Use Google Analytics to keep track of your visitors and find out which pages are performing well or bad.
    Also, you should always check your website rank to track your progress in general or for any unexpected results that may reveal a problem with your website.
  • *Extra.

    Here is an extra usefull tip (hence the tip title). Links. Quality links. Get as much as you can. It's easier said than done of course...

I could go on and on and I know that you already have heard about other practices but those 7 are not easy to master. Not at all. The require a lot of work already. So, I’ll stop here for now.

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